I’ve been letting humor strangle hardship since 1984 and maintain that we’re all just bumbling bags of intestines on this sweet cesspool of a planet. Things tend to be less complicated that way.
I just discovered that the archaic meaning of Blore, my surname, is “to bleat like an animal.” If that doesn’t give me a license to be absurd or cutting, I don’t know what does. Blore’s Razor is also a thing. I promise. And while the Razor states, “Between two theories, always choose the funniest,” some of these features fall on the serious side of funny. I’d recommend starting with any title that tickles your fancy in the “So Hot Right Now” section above.
Thank you for being so interested.

Love the site! You are a very talented and clever writer. Really enjoyed this. Lots of Love from Uncle Steve.
Hey BR,
Love your quips and piece on Argentina. Also, love how much you make me think. (The drug piece is inspired.) Keep up the fantastic work. I agree with your Uncle Steve. You are a very talented writer.
Goog job Jocelyn !!!.. Like your writtings
Enjoyed reading your column, made me think about our social problems. In ancient Celt Blore meant a small hill…the village of Blore is at foothills of the “Peaks District” which is a National Park in England near city of Ashbourne. Paul Blore
Thanks for reading! Always a pleasure to meet a fellow Blore