Parallel Dating

Couples on their cell phones during dates: the adulthood version of what psychologists call “parallel play”. Rather than jointly participating in an activity, less mature kids play separate games side-by-side.

Legislative Vampires

California Gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman states that giving her Democratic opponent any control over California fund allocation is like “giving Count Dracula keys to the bloodbank”. But vampires are so hot right now, rich lady.

Juicy History Not Suitable for Elementary Students

Is anyone else disappointed that they didn’t properly learn about JFK’s womanizing when they were in elementary school? Or that Reagan’s team had stolen Carter’s debriefing book during the 1980 debates?

What Is It?

First it arrives on your doorstep, bringing with it an archive of developments from the past 24 hours. And then it’s used to wrap fish. To swat at flies. To give house pets the privilege of relieving themselves indoors.

The Allure of Arrogance

For the movers and shakers out there: learn the art of the sweeping arrogant gesture, the complete disregard of the opposition. Sadly, the quality of ideas has almost no bearing on shifts in public opinion.